Let’s talk some serial killers!
Here are the answers to the quiz. If you stumbled on this page without our email, please subscribe to our email list for more fun like this, and see the tiny print at the bottom for the Jeopardy-like questions that these answers answer.
Ed Kemper. Some reports have his I.Q. at 145; others at 160+. (He is 6’9”, y’all!)
H.H. Holmes. This is the Devil in the White City guy. (Incredible book, BTW. Read it now.) The number of dead at his hand is thought to be the oh-so-specific number of between 20-200.
Jesse Pomeroy. This pre-teen tortured many and went to prison for 2 deaths.
If you want some more murder trivia, try this one on Buzzfeed.Questions: who is the smartest and tallest serial killer? Who is the first known serial killer in the USA? Who is the youngest serial killer in the USA?